Theo Livingston


Theo Livingston is a young, aspiring behavioral scientist, though he probably won't be considered young for much longer, and his aspirations have been dampened by his low paying research job at an unconventional lab that seems very proud of the freedom it allows its employees when it comes to the subject of their research and not nearly as proud of the mysterious source of its funding.

He is Emmett’s father, though, contrary to frequent assumption, not their creator. He did likely prepare quite a few of their organs, as he often jokes. Despite the lack of involvement in the initial reanimation of his son, Theo has since constructed his own miniature lab within his garage, as Emmett is somewhat prone to falling apart in the most literal sense.

Ever since Theo discovered Emmett while attempting to smuggle delicate experiments to his coworkers (and his own lab rats for himself) out of the facility (closed for "lightning damage" for a week and without power) he works at, he's become much more determined to climb the ranks of the lab's frustratingly hierarchical system of scientists and doctors, if only to discover why Emmett was created in the first place. If he discovers other unethical truths about his place of employment along the way... well. Never let anyone tell you he was surprised.

Check out his tumblr tag for more!